CPR HPK's Let It Go

Call Name: Elsa
Titles: Certified Pointing Retriever (APLA)
Hips: OFA
Eyes: CERF
Color: Yellow
Size: 70 lbs
Whelped: 10/27/2015

HPK’s Let It Go
CPR HPK’s Let it go) is a pleasing yellow female that comes from GMPR HPK’s Mr. Bo Jangles SH and CPR Poore’s Lightning Strikes.
She is about a 70 lb. female, a full sister to HPK’s Iowa Nice — and has a drive that does not quit.
As you would expect from a Bo daughter, his head is evident in her. Square, solid, and athletic. What a lab should be. Her coat is very well suited to winter weather, making her a durable companion that can handle the worst weather mother nature can throw at a hunter.
Typical of all HPK dogs Elsa has quite a nice off switch that allows her to transition nicely between the field and the home.
We would have no hesitation selling Elsa’s puppies to first-time owners she truly wants to please. Elsa’s puppies — with Bo’s influence — should also perform very well in the competition world as well. AKC hunt tests, UKC hunt tests, and APLA Hunt Tests should all be doable with this genetic package.
For those of you who have followed HPK dogs over the years is that Iowa’s Mother — Lightning — Looks VERY much like HPK’s Copper of R&R.
She is a large muscular female that is very light of foot when hunting in the upland field.
Larry Poore owns Lightning and she serves as a guide dog in western Kansas. My favorite thing about both of the dogs that came out of this breeding (Iowa & Elsa) is that their bones are very thick. Simply well-built animals.