CPR HPK's Georgia on my Mind

Call Name: Georgia
Titles: Certified Pointing Retriever (APLA)
Hips: OFA Good
Eyes: CERF
Color: Yellow (Red)
Size: 58 lbs
Whelped: 04/12/2015

HPK’s Georgia on my Mind
Georgia is a Certified Pointing female sired by GMPR HPK’s Mr. Bo Jangles SH and Lauck’s Ginger Girl.
Bo (follow the link) has been one of the finest pure upland bird hunting labs I have been around. Bo is classic Hunters Point Kennel genetic lines — a combination of Corky and Nugget. He simply loves to do his job and passes that trait down to his daughters. His blocky looks and calm demeanor have made him and his daughter’s customer favorites.
Lauck’s Ginger Girl — Georgia’s Dam — is a daughter of GMPR Pennel’s Jackson Duece SH. Jack was rock solid pointing dog that we owned several years ago.
Not a very large dog — but a very fine pointing animal. Infact — Georgia looks very much like him.