4X GMPR HPK's Lagavulin for Griz SH

Call Name: Bear
Titles: 4X Grand Master Pointing Retriever & AKC Senior Hunter
Hips: OFA Excellent LR-212866E24M-VPI
Elbows: OFA Normal LR-EL66366M24-VPI
Eyes: OFA Clear
EIC: Clear by testing
CNM: Clear by testing
Color: BrownSize: 85 lbs
Whelped: 1/29/13
Color Factor: Brown, Black & Yellow

Bear’s Pedigree Highlights
Bear is the son of 4XGMPR Griz SH. That makes two Griz pups (4XGMPR Bear SH & 4XGMPR Onyx SH) that have achieved 4X Grand Master Pointing Retriever titles.
We went looking for a big powerful brown stud dog and we hit the mark with Bear!
Bear has a loaded pedigree including 8-Grand Master Pointing Retrievers, 9-Master Hunters, 8-Amateur Field Champions, 5-Field Champions,1-Qualified All Age, 1- 2xNational Amateur Field Champion, and 7- APLA Hall of Fame dogs! Some of the biggest names in the Pointing lab world and the Field Trial world have come together to create a truly exceptional animal!
Field Trial pedigree highlights:
- FC HRCH Watermark’s Texas Welcome MH SRS Winner (Howdy)
- 2x-NAFC 2x-CNFC FC AFC Ebonstars Lean Mac (Maxx)
- FC AFC HRCH Gator PT’s Sweet Potato Pie (Tadah)
- AFC Trieven Twist And Shout MH
APLA pedigree highlights:
- 4xGMPR Grizzly SH
- 4xGMPR HRCH Clouds Bold Bear of Nereus MH
- Bearpoint’s Roll’n High Reno SHGMPR MHR HRCH Blackdog’s Bonkerjohn Kate MH
- GMPR MHR Rik’s Risky Raider MH
- GMPR Cajun of Black Forest MH
- MPR RattlinRidge’s Bronco Bill MH (Willie)
- GMPR Sir Hershey or Surrey
- GMPR HRCH GMHR Nanna’s New Nereus
Bear will be siring litters for Hunters Point Kennel through out the year. and is available for stud to approved bitches. Bear is located in Marshalltown, IA.
Bear is located in Marshalltown, IA.
Should you need a reference about Bear please contact Mike Lettau at K&L Kennels:
www.kandlkennels.com or
Mike’s cell phone: 816-616-5942