MPR HPK's Talisker Storm

Call Name: Drifter
Titles: Master Pointing Retriever MPR APR CPR (APLA)
Hips: OFA Excellent
Elbows: OFA Normal
Color Factor: Brown & Black (No Yellow) / Non Dilute
Eyes: Clear
EIC: Clear by testing
CNM: Clear by testing
PRA: Clear by testing
Color: Yellow
Size: 65 lbs
Whelped: 9/25/2019. AKC Reg: SS41672207 UKC Reg:????? Pedigree: Click Here
Drifter’s Pedigree Highlights
Drifter is located in Marshalltown, IA .
Drifter will be siring litters for Hunters Point Kennel and is available for stud to approved outside bitches.
Contact Justin McGill for more information
Pedigree highlights
- GRHRCH 4xGMPR SPOT-ON Cooperstowns Splendid Splinter Of Blazing Red MH CGCA CGCU
- UH (5)GRHRCH GMPR Blackpowder’s Blazing Red Flame MH MNH QAA HOF
- 4xGMPR Northstars Happy Trails Sage JH
- 4xGMPR Cashman’s Risky Raider’s In Vaider MH
- 4xGMPR Chaska Of Northstar SH
- 4XGMPR HRCH Arrowpoint Kenai Midnight Sun MH
- 2001 US Open Pheasant Champion GMPR MHR Rik’s Risky Raider MH (APLA Hall of Fame)
- GMPR Wannamaker’s Hot Tub SH
- GMPR HRCH Tiger Of Cattail Corky